Parabricks is a software suite for performing secondary analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) DNA and RNA data. It delivers results at blazing fast speeds and low cost. Clara Parabricks can analyze 30x WGS (whole human genome) data in about 25 minutes, instead of 30 hours for other methods. Its output matches commonly used software, making it fairly simple to verify the accuracy of the output.Parabricks achieves this performance through tight integration with GPUs, which excel at performing data-parallel computation much more effectively than traditional CPU-based solutions.
Clara Parabricks是英伟达基于GPU卡开发用于加速call变异的工具套件,支持GATK haplotypecaller和deepvariant 2种call 变异的方式,相比原版速度有大幅提升。
Tool | Details |
applybqsr | Apply BQSR report to a BAM file and generate new BAM file |
bam2fq | Convert a BAM file to FASTQ |
bammetrics | Collect WGS Metrics on a BAM file |
bamsort | Sort a BAM file |
bqsr | Collect BQSR report on a BAM file |
collectmultiplemetrics | Collect multiple classes of metrics on a BAM file |
dbsnp | Annotate variants based on a dbSNP |
deepvariant | Run GPU-DeepVariant for calling germline variants |
fq2bam | Run bwa mem, coordinate sorting, marking duplicates, and Base Quality Score Recalibration |
genotypegvcf | Convert a GVCF to VCF |
haplotypecaller | Run GPU-HaplotypeCaller for calling germline variants |
indexgvcf | Index a GVCF file |
mutectcaller | Run GPU-Mutect2 for tumor-normal analysis |
postpon | Generate the final VCF output of doing mutect PON |
prepon | Build an index for a PON file, which is the prerequisite to performing mutect PON |
rna_fq2bam | Run RNA-seq data through the fq2bam pipeline |
starfusion | Identify candidate fusion transcripts supported by Illumina reads |
不同版本软件,命令行选项有少量差别。实际测试,4.4.0 全流程速度比 4.0.1 快 10% 左右,4.4.0 消耗的显存更多,需要使用 --low-memory
选项,以降低显存使用,否则容易出现 Out of memory
c ```
#BSUB -J parabricks
#BSUB -n 16
#BSUB -R span[hosts=1]
#BSUB -gpu "num=1:gmem=11G"
#BSUB -o %J.out
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -q gpu
module load Singularity/3.7.3
# fq2bam, bwa mem->sort->dep, 输出排序去重后的bam文件
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.4.0-1.sif pbrun fq2bam --low-memory --ref hg38.fa --in-fq ../ERR194146_1.fastq.gz ../ERR194146_2.fastq.gz --out-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam
# haplotypecaller, bam->vcf
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.4.0-1.sif pbrun haplotypecaller --low-memory --ref hg38.fa --in-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam --out-variants ERR194146.vcf.gz --tmp-dir pbruntmp --logfile pbrun_ERR194146.log
# 多样本call gvcf
# haplotypecaller, bam->gvcf
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.4.0-1.sif pbrun haplotypecaller --low-memory --ref hg38.fa --in-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam --out-variants ERR194146.g.vcf.gz --gvcf --tmp-dir pbruntmp --logfile pbrun_ERR194146.log
部分基因组较大或深度较深的数据,运行 pbrun haplotypecaller
时可能会出现显存不够的报错 Out of memory
- 分染色体来跑,最后再合并。以人的样本为例:
# 制作bed文件
$ cat hg38.fa.fai |awk '{print $1"\t0\t"$2}' > hg38_all.bed
# 将大染色体分别分到单独的bed文件中,零碎的contig分到一个bed文件中
$ for i in {1..22};do cat hg38_all.bed |grep -w chr${i} > hg38_chr${i}.bed ;done
$ cat hg38_all.bed |grep -e _ -e chrX -e chrY > hg38_other.bed
#BSUB -J parabricks
#BSUB -n 16
#BSUB -R span[hosts=1]
#BSUB -gpu "num=1:gmem=12G"
#BSUB -o %J.out
#BSUB -e %J.err
#BSUB -q gpu
module load Singularity/3.7.3
module load GATK/
# 分染色体运行
# walltime 7151s, mem 20G
for i in {chr{1..22},other};do
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.0.1-1.sif pbrun haplotypecaller --interval-file hg38_${i}.bed --ref hg38.fa --in-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam --out-variants ERR194146_${i}.g.vcf.gz --tmp-dir pbruntmp --logfile pbrun_ERR194146_${i}.log
# 将各个染色体的vcf合并
# walltime 1442s,mem 1.2G
gatk CombineGVCFs -R hg38.fa $(ls ERR194146*.g.vcf*gz|xargs -i echo "--variant {}") -O ERR194146.g.vcf.gz
- 使用多张GPU卡运行
gatk CombineGVCFs
出现报错Key END found in VariantContext field INFO at Chr1:5436 but this key isn't defined in the VCFHeader. We require all VCFs to have complete VCF headers by default
parabricks 运行时输出了 vcf 文件,没有使用
选项,输出 gvcf文件。
使用数据为人30x WGS样本数据,单节点36核,2张P100 GPU卡。
软件 | 时间(h) | 最大内存(GB) | 加速倍数 |
bwa+GATK | 32 | 124 | 1 |
sentieon | 4.1 | 32 | 7.8 |
gtxcat | 3.1 | 103 | 10.3 |
parabricks(BWA-MEM+haplotypecaller) | 2.9 | 93G | 11 |
不同硬件,call变异时间(haplotypecaller),使用数据为人30x WGS样本数据。
硬件 | 时间 | 最大内存(GB) |
2张P100 | 24min | 32G |
1张4090 | 19min | - |
2张3090 | 21min | - |
### 不同版本 |
一张 40490D
##### 4.0.1 #####
# fq2bam, bwa mem->sort->dep, 输出排序去重后的bam文件
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.0.1-1.sif pbrun fq2bam --ref hg38.fa --in-fq ../ERR194146_1.fastq.gz ../ERR194146_2.fastq.gz --out-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam
# haplotypecaller, bam->gvcf
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.0.1-1.sif pbrun haplotypecaller --ref hg38.fa --in-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam --out-variants ERR194146.g.vcf.gz --gvcf --tmp-dir pbruntmp --logfile pbrun_ERR194146.log
##### 4.4.0 #####
# fq2bam, bwa mem->sort->dep, 输出排序去重后的bam文件
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.4.0-1.sif pbrun fq2bam --low-memory --ref hg38.fa --in-fq ../ERR194146_1.fastq.gz ../ERR194146_2.fastq.gz --out-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam
# haplotypecaller, bam->gvcf
singularity exec --nv $IMAGE/clara-parabricks/4.4.0-1.sif pbrun haplotypecaller --low-memory --ref hg38.fa --in-bam ERR194146.deduped.bam --out-variants ERR194146.g.vcf.gz --gvcf --tmp-dir pbruntmp --logfile pbrun_ERR194146.log
由于parabricks没有合并gvcf的功能,因此对于群体gvcf数据,可以使用glnexus来合并,具体使用见 glnexus。
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